The song I can’t get out of my head is...
Katy Perry's Firework, as my girls are singing it all the time!
When I was a child I wanted to be...
A Farmer's Wife! or a Lorry Driver.
My proudest moment is...
Well, I am rather proud of my Wales the True taste award, also and more so I am very proud of my 2 beautiful, brave girls.
The shops I can’t walk past without buying something are...
Shoe Shops. (particularly Irregular Choice)
My favourite meal is...
The Rarest Fillet Steak, with blue cheese and mushrooms.
My favourite drink is...
Sparkling Shiraz (Banrock Station)
The book I’m reading at the moment is...
Gypsy, by Lesley Pearse (chick Lit!)
My biggest regret is...
Until recently I didn't have any regrets... now I do.
My perfect Sunday/Saturday is...
Waking up on a late spring/early summer morning with my beauties, and taking them with the small dog for a lovely walk through the woods at 3 Cliffs (Gower, South Wales) then down on to the beach and back to Pennard Castle for a picnic. Then home via a lovely tea shop for hot chocolate. Home for a film cuddled up on the sofa and then bed.
Last thing at night I always...
Put the dog to bed, check both the girls are sleeping soundly and then brush my teeth!
If I have time to myself I...
Read my book. Write some of my blog!
When I’m feeling down I...
Cry usually! then rant then pull back the Ruth face!!
The best thing my parents taught me was...
To stand on my own 2 feet. Make my own choices. Trust in those choices and that they are behind me every step of the way.
My biggest influence is...
My Wonderful Mum. My beautiful Daughters. and more recently some of the other strong business women I have been lucky to have made friends with!
My greatest weakness is...
Chocolate!!! (Surprise!)
If I could pass any law it would be...
An exam to pass before you are able to have children.
I’d love to...
see the Norwegian Fjords, see the Northern Lights,
Go to Matchu Pichu.
My favourite sport is...
If I could live anywhere it would be...
On a Farm. or In a Beach Hut.
Not a lot of people know this but I’m no good at...
If I could change anything it would be to...
Well now! where do I start.....
Well thank you for reading your way through that lot! I am meant to now nominate 3 blogger to pass this award on to, but most of them already have been awarded it except for...
Enjoy my lovelies! xx